Sadly, on our first afternoon in Paris, I was robbed on the Metro (train/subway). I had been so vigilant with my hands on my bag at all times, at all times until I boarded the train, Mum was behind me and she was shoved and as I steadied myself while getting on train I took my hands off my bag for a few seconds.... that's all it took.
I don't care about the money, or the credit card (cancelled immediately), it's the love letter from my husband and a letter from my beautiful baby boy that I treasured and kept with me in that wallet, they are the things that mean nothing to those little shit-heads who stole my wallet but mean the world to me.
For insurance purposes we needed a police report..... oh the joy of sitting in the dingy police station being asked to recount the story a few times over by police officers who speak no English at all and treat everyone like criminals whether they are criminals or not. With the assistance of a young girl also waiting to report a robbery, (she was pushed down a flight of stairs in the metro for her mobile phone and dislocated her knee), we were able to find someone to file a report so we could be on our way. Not a great way to spend our second (and last) day in Paris. Missed out on so many things, galleries, museums... never mind.
We are leaving Paris tomorrow morning as scheduled. I'm devastated and want to forget this leg of our trip.
On a happier note, we did visit the Palace of Versailles yesterday, it was glorious, the gardens, the apartments, everything was wonderful (the crowds couldn't dampen the beauty of that place).
We are both looking forward to getting home. We're not going to Hong Kong as planned, we are over travelling and pretty tired now.
Oh I'm so sorry to hear about the robbery! What a thing to happen, and to have half your trip time in Paris be taken up with all that! Shocking! I'm glad you at least got to do some nice things, like visiting Versailles. Isn't it unbelievably magnificent!