Friday, July 30, 2010

Verging on hysteria

Now that the anxiety of Adele not having her passport has died down I am very very excited, holding myself in check before I go into complete hysteria about this trip. I cannot wait!

Vicki xx

Got it!

Okay, got my passport in record time - very happy! Really dislike the photo in my passport, annoyed that you can't you smile in passport photos - very unhappy! 71 days and 7 hours until the trip - very happy!

Now we have to apply for our US visas through ETSA.

Monday, July 19, 2010

TOP TIP NUMBER 1: Never ever let your passport run out!!

Seriously, could I (AF) have left it any later to get my passport? Of course Mrs Frequent Flyer (VH) never lets her passport out of her hot little hands, that jetsetter! Mumma will be so relieved when I have all my documents in hand.

I overlooked getting a registered copy of our marriage certificate and so had to sit visit the Hatch, Match & Dispatch office, (Births, Deaths & Marriages) for over an hour..... urghhhh...... no, I'm not busy, I've got all the time in the world.

Okay, so today at lunchtime I will go to post office for my passport interview. I wonder why on earth I let my old passport lapse about 5 years ago... that was dumb!

I found this online last night and thought it would be good for Mum and I to do in Paris. Maybe we should ramp up the savings plan into overdrive......